- Tax Exemption Certificates
- Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Form
- Texas Motor Vehicle Rental Tax Exemption Form
- Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Form
- Other State Tax Exemptions – Some states will offer sales tax, and/or state hotel tax, and/or state vehicle rental tax exemptions to other sales tax exempt entities (i.e. state governments or universities). Please click on the link to review the states offering these exemptions and what forms to provide for that exemption.
- Travel Vendor Exceptions Certification Form – Allowable exception for use of non-contract travel on state accounts
- Report to State Agency Travel to Washington, DC – State funded travel only: Employees must complete OSFR form when traveling to engage in activities related to obtaining or spending federal funds or to impact federal policies or to meet lobbyist.
- Fly America Act Exceptions Form
- State Travel Itinerary Form All travel expense reports utilizing state accounts must have a completed State Travel Itinerary Form attached. Each day of the trip must be documented on the form with a description of the business conducted for that day.
- American and United have both contracted with Texas A&M to provide discounted airfare. Discounts will vary based on the route traveled. American will also provide free seat upgrades to Preferred Seating. Contracted rates on both airlines are only available when booking through Concur or Corporate Travel Planners.
- Additional information on benefits provided by using our contract with American Airlines may be found on the American Airlines Traveler Hub.
- Additional Information on benefits provided by using our contract with United Airlines may be found on United for Business.
- Southwest has contracted with Texas A&M to provide discounted airfares. The discounted rates are only available when booking through Concur or Corporate Travel Planners.
- Additional Information on benefits provided by using our contract with Southwest may be found on Southwest for Business
- Corporate travel planners may be reached at the numbers below:
- For agent-assisted travel reservations please call 866-901-3377
- For assistance with the Concur travel booking tool call 877-727-5188
- Texas Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Form - Present Hotel Tax Exemption at the time of check-in.
- Texas Sales Tax Exemption Form
Car Rental
- Avis
- Hertz
- Enterprise/National
- Texas Motor Vehicle Rental Tax Exemption Form – Present exemption form when picking up the rental car
- Purchase under contract whenever possible. Contract rates are usually much less than market rates and includes the required coverage. Contract rental cars include CDW/LDW and liability insurances, so no additional coverage is necessary when picking up the car. So, please refuse any additional coverage offered.
- Non-Contract Vendors – rates are normally more than our contracted rates and do not include the appropriate coverage. If procuring a non-contract rental car CDW/LDW and Supplemental Liability Insurance must be requested when picking up the car.
- Comparing Rental Car Rates – non-contract vendor rates do not include the appropriate coverage, so to compare the listed contract rate vs. a non-contract rate contact the non-contract vendor and request the daily rate for LDW/CDW and Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI). If for some reason the listed rate from the non-contract vendor is less than the listed rate for the contract vendor, when adding the daily rate for LDW/CDW and SLI it will most like be much more than the contracted rate.
Information on Concur Travel and Expense System
- Texas A&M University System has a contract with The Parking Spot for a 25% discount at their airport locations within Texas.
- The Parking Spot rates, in addition to our discount, can result in significant savings over on-airport rates. Please click here to see current prices.
- Click here to sign up for the Parking Spot account that is tied to our contract.
Once this is set up, connect your Parking Spot account to your Concur account in the App Center tab of Concur. This will allow Parking Spot receipts to be imported automatically into your Concur expenses. - Texas A&M University has partnered with Fast Park Reward's Program. Click here for details to the Fast Park Reward's Program.
- Travel Card Program
- Bookkeeper Resources – Information specifically for bookkeepers or persons needing to process payments for Travel related expenses.
- International Travel Information
- Travel Receipt Requirements
- 90 Day Reimbursement Policy
- Meal Reimbursement Change for Local Funds
- For training regarding use of the Concur Travel System, please see this page.
- Disbursement Training – This course covers policies and procedures of the disbursement of funds for purchase and travel vouchers. It also provides current information through the navigation of the Guidelines for Disbursement of Funds manual on our website. Anyone who creates purchase documents, approves and/or signs them must attend disbursement training or all entry will be denied.
- AggieBuy Training
- Concur Overview
- Concur Training Tutorials
- Concur Classroom Training
- Domestic Maximum Meal and Lodging Rates
- Foreign Travel Approval Requirements and Resources
- TAMU and TAMUG Rules and SAPS
- Sign up for FMO Listserv – FMO communication method for workshops, help desks, changing guidelines/polices and process improvements
- State Travel Guidelines
- Guidelines for Disbursement of Funds
Emburse Expense Implementation
For information about the Emburse Expense Implementation visit emburse.tamu.edu.