Please scan each form separately. Attach to an e-mail and send to Keep the original form as a departmental convenience copy. If your request involves the modification of multiple users, please contact us at (979) 458-5555 and we will be happy to assist you in providing alternative options for submitting the FD-805s. FD-860s and FD-DSAs will be required for each department change and for signing authority.
- UAR – User Access Request
- FD-940: FAMIS Electronic Office Request – add,change, or delete department/sub-department codes to/from Routing path, change office managers, delegates, or default signers within an electronic office.
- FD-DSA: Delegated Signature Authority or try our new Electronic FD-DSA form
VPFO/FMO Users Only
- FD-830 FAMIS Access for Division of Finance and Operations Staff
- FD-835 USAS for Division of Finance and Operations Staff – Provides access to the Texas Uniform Statewide Accounting System
- Confidential Tax/Vendor Information Agreement
- State of Texas USAS Voucher Signature Card
- FMS-801 Payformance Access Request
Imaging Access for Division Finance and Operations Staff
All VPFO staff who need confidential or specific imaging access within their own department or within other VPFO departments should complete one or more of the imaging forms:
- IMG-250 Payroll Imaging Access Request
- IMG-350 FMO Imaging Access Request
- IMG-400 Strategic Sourcing Imaging Access Request
- IMG-500 Contract Administration Imaging Access Request
- IMG-600 VPFN Imaging Access Request
- IMG-700 Student Business Services Imaging Access Request
- IMG-800 TAMUG Imaging Access Request
- IMG-900 Student Financial Aid Imaging Access Request
- IMG-950 TTI, TEEX and TEES Payroll Imaging Access Request
- Individual Reimbursement Form
- Employee vs Independent Contractor Questionnaire
- Employee Statement
- Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification – Filled out by purchaser and given to vendor to claim exemption from Texas state sales tax
- Fiscal Request Form: Use for exceptions to the Transfer Guidelines. You must have approval of the Director of Budgets.
- FB Calculator
Tax Exempt Forms
- Texas Hotel Tax Exemption Form – Filled out by purchaser and given to vendor to claim exemption from Texas state hotel tax
- Texas Motor Vehicle Rental Tax Exemption Form – Filled out by purchaser and given to vendor to claim exemption from Texas Motor Vehicle Rental Tax
- Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Form – Filled out by purchaser and given to vendor to claim exemption from Texas State Sales Tax
- Other State Tax Exemption Forms
Other Payment Card Forms
- Credit Limit Change Request and Card Cancellation Form – Laserfiche
- Concur Card Assignment Change Request – Laserfiche
- Documentation In Lieu of Receipt or Invoice – If missing receipt for a purchase complete this form, seek appropriate approvals as listed on the form to serve as documentation of missing receipt.
- Payment Card Check Out/In Log – If a card is to be used by someone other than the cardholder, then a card sharing log similar to this one must be used and be filed as part of the monthly documentation.
- Blank Process Document
- FD-DSA Delegation of Signature Authority
- FDP-4 Equipment Information Sheet: To gather detailed information on inventoried equipment
- FDP-9 Report of Missing or Stolen: To report missing or stolen property or to recover a missing, disposed asset.
- FDP-401 Departmental Property Contact Verification: To aid the Department Head/Director in maintaining their official Departmental Property Contacts list with TAMU Property Management
- FDP-402 Certification of Physical Inventory Conducted by Department: To certify the departments annual inventory per state requirements.
- FDP-404 Request for Extension of Time for Annual Inventory Certification: To request an extension of due date for the department's annual physical inventory.
- FDP-410 Loan of Texas A&M University Property: To aid the Department Head/Director and the Departmental Property Contact in managing TAMU or TAMUG equipment and to protect TAMU and TAMUG against theft or loss
- FDP-411A Property Transfers: To document the transfer of equipment from one department to another. It includes transfer between departments, out of or into TAMU or TAMUG
- FDP-411B Transfer of Computer Equipment: To verify the deletion of all files on the hard disk drive of any TAMU or TAMUG owned computers being transferred or sold
- FDP-414 Property Additions and Deletions: To document an addition of equipment that did not require payment to acquire, and to document deletions of existing equipment due to sale, trade in, cannibalization, or damaged/destroyed/obsolete
- FDP-421 Departmental Property Contact Responsibility Statement: To document the responsibilities of the Departmental Property Contact and for the DPC to certify that they understand these responsibilities
- FDP-422 Property Custodian Responsibility Statement: To document the responsibilities of the Property Custodian and for them to certify that they understand these responsibilities
- FDP-423 Property End User Responsibility Statement: To document the responsibilities of the Property End User and for them to certify that they understand these responsibilities
- FDP-431 Transfer of Responsibility for Property: To document the transfer of responsibility from one Department Head to another
- FD-860 Notice of Change Information and/or Authority To update the Departmental Property Contact person
- AggieBuy Invoice Template – Disclaimer: This template invoice should only be used in the case of lease of space or rental of space in which the vendor will not provide a monthly invoice showing when the next payment is due
- Departmental Internal Order Form – Departments can use this form when placing orders to submit with the invoice for payment to meet the documentation requirements on state accounts or use similar documentation
- Purchase Voucher – Exception must be granted by Accounts Payable to use this form versus on line document
- Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification – Filled out by purchaser and given to vendor to claim exemption from Texas state sales tax
- Extension of Credit Request Letter – Per System Regulation 21.01.04, system members must be granted authority to extend credit.
- Reduction to Expense Request Form – This form is used to submit payments for expenses originally paid by Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University System, or Texas A&M University at Galveston accounts via voucher, payment card, or interdepartmental transfer.
- Disputed Invoice Form – This is an application for filing and handling "disputed invoices".
- Texas A&M University System Customer Form – This form is used to create or modify INTERNAL AR customers. Internal customers are Texas A&M University System members. Please see How do I find/create/modify a customer number? for more information.
- External Customer Information Form – This form is used to create or modify EXTERNAL AR customer numbers. External customers are not members of the Texas A&M University System. Please see How do I find/create/modify a customer number? for more information.
- iPayment Request Form – This form is used to submit requests for modifications to data hardcoded in iPayments such as accounts, support accounts, object codes, and workgroups. Requests to modify user access should be submitted using the Access Form.
- Tax Exemption Certificates
- Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Form
- Texas Motor Vehicle Rental Tax Exemption Form
- Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Form
- Other State Tax Exemptions – Some states will offer sales tax, and/or state hotel tax, and/or state vehicle rental tax exemptions to other sales tax exempt entities (i.e. state governments or universities). Please click on the link to review the states offering these exemptions and what forms to provide for that exemption.
- Travel Vendor Exceptions Certification Form – Allowable exception for use of non-contract travel on state accounts
- Report to State Agency Travel to Washington, DC – State funded travel only: Employees must complete OSFR form when traveling to engage in activities related to obtaining or spending federal funds or to impact federal policies or to meet lobbyist.
- Fly America Act Exceptions Form
- State Travel Itinerary Form All travel expense reports utilizing state accounts must have a completed State Travel Itinerary Form attached. Each day of the trip must be documented on the form with a description of the business conducted for that day.
For Domestic Vendors (U.S.)
- Vendor Information Sheet - For Current Employees ( UIN required), Current Students ( UIN required for system members 01, 02, 10 & 23 only. All other system members will need to provide the students social security number on the form), Prospective Employees or Students, Refunds (UIN/SSN if available), Changing Addresses or Contacts for Existing Vendors. Any other changes for a vendor setup would require a 2018 or later W9/Substitute W9 form to be filled out.
- Substitute W9 & Direct Deposit Form – To add or change for New Individuals, Business Entities or Speaker Fee. The substitute W9 & direct deposit are now all one form. If the W9 form you receive is not legible, please fill out the Vendor Information Sheet & send with the substitute W9 form.
- Please note that if the vendor has new bank information a new substitute W9 & direct deposit form will need to be filled out. The vendor will need to put the old bank information in the Existing Account (Changes Only) section & the new bank information in the New Setup Account Info section of the form.
- Notice to All Vendors Receiving Payments(s) by EFT/ACH
- Confidential Information – If the documents contain confidential information, such as a social securitynumber or bank information, it is now required to upload the documents using the Vendor Setup Document Upload Web Page . The Vendor Setup Document Upload Web Page is an encrypted, secure, confidential web page. See the Vendor Setup Document Upload Instructions if additional information is needed.
- Supplier Only Document Upload Website – This link is for supplier’s ONLY to upload their documents (NON-Texas A&M University System Members). For all Texas A&M University System Members, please use the Vendor Setup Document Upload Web Page
- ACH Changes or Additions – As of May 8, 2020, the vendor admin started verifying any account additions or changes due to the increase in fraudulent activity, see Texas A&M University System Regulation 01.03 . All vendor admins will send a generic email to the vendor/individual confirming that the account addition or change is valid.
- We can no longer accept bank information additions/changes or updates from an invoice nor the company’s letter head. The vendor or individual will need to fill out the Substitute W9 & Direct Deposit Form or the State of Texas Direct Deposit Authorization form (email for this form).
- If the vendor will not provide an EIN and it is a 1099 reportable payment (i.e., $600, or greater for services or rentals) Texas A&M University Systems Agency’s will have to withhold 28% of the payment and remit to the IRS.
- Vendor Information Sheet
- Employee Direct Deposit - If an employee would like to receive their individual or travel reimbursement(s) by direct deposit, they will need to log into Workday to add the additional option called expense payment election. The instructions for adding/changing or updating the bank information are at employee payment elections instructions . If an employee needs to be added or have an address change, please either fill out the vendor information sheet or send an email with the UIN, name of the employee & address.
- Confidential Information – If the documents contain confidential information on them, such as a social security number or bank information, it is now required to load the documents using the Vendor Setup Document Upload Web Page . The Vendor Setup Document Upload Web Page is an encrypted, secure, confidential web page. See the Vendor Setup Document Upload Instructions if additional information is needed.
- Vendor Information Sheet
- Student Direct Deposit
- SOFC ACH Form – For Texas A&M University SOFC use only.
- Vendor Setup Document Upload Instructions – If there is confidential information on your form, such as a Social Security Number or Bank Information, you're now able to upload your documents from your desktop. This is an encrypted, secure, confidential web page, so you don't have to worry about the information getting compromised. Just go to the Vendor Setup Document Upload Web Page.
For Foreign Vendors
Please note: Due to the IRS changes, that all foreign forms that are submitted will need to be on a 2021 form or later (date of the form is located on the top left of the first page).
GLACIER is a nonresident alien tax compliance system designed to allow institutions to efficiently & effectively collect information, make tax residency and treaty determinations, manage paperwork, maintain data, and file reporting statements with the IRS.
- Glacier record must be completed for any foreign individual or entity receiving a payment for services performed in the United States.
- Glacier record must be completed for any foreign individual or entity receiving payment for software or royalties.
- FMO will create the individual Glacier login for each vendor. To request this access please email with the vendor’s name, email address, UIN (if available), or tax ID (if available).
- Only individuals receiving payment for services need to access GLACIER. Payments for travel expenses with receipts do not require this information.
Foreign Forms
- Please note, while a W8 Series form may be valid for vendor setup, it does not necessarily guarantee that the form will be appropriate for all invoice types in Aggie Buy. There may be additional questions on individual documents about new forms for the vendor, even if a new W8 was provided.
- FMO Staff does not have legal authority to advise foreign vendors as to which W8 Series Form is most appropriate.
- For any further questions that you may have about any W8 Series forms or Glacier setup, please contact International AP or
- Certificate of Foreign Status – Any vendor performing goods or services outside the U.S. – Can be used for Merchandise/Tangible products that are not taxable; books; chemicals etc.
- W8-BEN – For foreign individuals for any payment made through AP providing services inside or outside the US – Royalty payments, Software downloads, Maintenance & Repairs etc. If the individual created a Glacier profile one of the forms, it would produce is a W-8 BEN. If it is a foreign individual, please contact providing the individuals name and email address. They will then send a Glacier invitation request to the foreign individual to complete their Glacier record. W8-BEN Instructions
- W8-BEN-E – For foreign entities providing services inside or outside of the US or Foreign Entities who would like to claim a tax treaty benefits – for companies selling software, intellectual property, royalties, maintenance & repairs, and other services. (W8-BEN-E Instructions). The W8-BEN-E is generally the form an entity will complete; however, some entities and/or individuals may need to complete the forms below.
- W8-ECI – Foreign vendors that are a beneficial owner claiming that income is effectively connected with the conduct of trade or business with the U.S (other personal services). (W8-ECI Instructions)
- W8-EXP – A foreign government, international organization, foreign central bank of issue, foreign tax-exempt organization, foreign private foundation or government of a U.S possession claiming the applicability of section(s) 115(2), 501©, 892, 895 or 1443(b) Note: these entities should use Form W8-ECI if they received effectively connected income & are not eligible to claim an exemption for chapter 3 or 4 purposes on For W8-EXP. (W8-EXP Instructions)
- Visiting Scholars Form 5VS – This form is required for any international visitor coming to visit, guest lecture, collaborate, etc. at Texas A&M University. This form will not be required if the individual is not coming into the United States to visit Texas A&M University. If the vendor is being paid a fee, it will still be required that the visitor go through GLACIER to provide the required tax forms required by the IRS.
- If the foreign entity will not provide or properly complete the required forms & if the payment is U.S sourced income (means in most instances performed within the U.S) & a 1042 reportable (services, rentals, software licenses, etc.) payment, the Texas A&M University System Members will have to withhold 30% of the payment & remit to the IRS.
- While FMO is not allowed to provide tax advice to the foreign individual or entity, we can provide guidance to have the individual complete Glacier or share information to an entity so they can select the proper form. For any questions regarding the appropriate foreign vendor form to use, please contact International AP Office via email
- Permanent Working Funds – requesting petty cash funds for departments with income producing activities for their daily operation
- Temporary Working Funds – requesting funds for student travel, participants in research or to make change at an event, etc.
- Change of Custodian – requesting change of the responsible custodian on Permanent Working funds