Famis: Create a new DBR on Screen 520 with justification code CN. The accounts, pools, and amounts must be the same as the original DBR being reversed. Add the original DBR document U# in the Ref 4 field by selecting PF7 on Screen 520. Also, reference this U# in the summary, and add notes with the reason for the reversal.
Canopy: Go to the FRS tab in Canopy and select DBR/Create a DBR. Reverse the information from the DBR that you are correcting. Also, Click on the U number at DBR Document. Where you see Dept Ref: enter the DBR number that you are correcting. Also, put it in the notes with the reason for the correction.
Famis: If the DBR is in your inbox for revision, enter the document U# on Screen 520. Select PF10 to reopen the document. All fields should highlight.
Canopy: The DBR must be in your inbox. Open the DBR and select the U number next to the DBR Document field. Go to Routing Action and select open for revision. Make your changes, close and route the DBR.
No. 24xxxx accounts can only transfer to/from another 24xxxx account. See the Transfer Guidelines. See Screen 528 for list of accounts compatibility.
Famis: Create a DBR with justification code OI: Over-realized income. The source account should be the SL account and 0001 Revenue pool. The destination account is the same SL account and an expense pool (i.e. 1000). The Summary or Notes should have the reason for the transfer of the revenue to the expense pool. Check Screen 19 or 34 to see the amount available to transfer from the revenue pool (0001.)
Canopy: Select the FRS tab and then the DBR/Create DBR option. The source account should be from the revenue pool (0001) and the destination should be to an expense pool (1000, 1005, 94XX). The justification code will be OI. Put the reason for the transfer in the notes.
If you do not have FAMIS access to create DBRs with that source account, contact FAMIS Training and Security to check your access and obtain the necessary authorizations.
The Access Table controls the business rules that govern allowed transfers within DBRs. Please check the Transfer Guidelines to determine if the accounts you are using can transfer to each other. See Screen 528 for list of accounts compatibility.
29xxxx accounts can only transfer to other 29xxxx accounts. Please see the Transfer Guidelines. See Screen 528 for list of accounts compatibility.
No, only one source account is allowed per DBR, although up to 10 destinations are allowed. You must create a separate DBR for each source account.
PF8 and PF9 can be used separately or together. PF8 will close the document and ask if you want to route the document as well. PF9 will ask if you want to close the document and will route it, if already closed. If your document will close with PF8, but not route, try entering a capital Y when asked if you want to route the document.
Go to Screen 521, DBR Inquiry. Enter either the account number or the department. You can enter "S" for source or "D" for destination for the account. This will display all the DBR's to date which meet the search criteria. The document number is displayed under the Doc column. PF11 will move the screen to the right to see the Description, from the summary.
Enter the full document number on Screen 914, Document Routing History, to see the current desk your DBR is on for approval. The full document number will be DBR02U7xxxxx. If nothing appears, then you have not routed your document. Go back to Screen 520 and route the document.
Famis: Select the DBR document on Screen 910, Document In-box. Select PF9, Routing Notes to see the reason for the rejection. Proceed to Screen 520 to reopen and revise the DBR.
Canopy: The rejected DBR will be in your inbox for you to open, review and revise for re-routing.
Adding notes to the Routing Notes while viewing a rejected DBR in your inbox will not add notes to the DBR document. Only those people on the routing path will be able to see the Routing notes. Reopen the DBR on Screen 520, select PF5 Notes, and add document notes here.
Notes are required for some justification codes (OT, CN, and PR) and the system will not allow the document to close without the notes. For the remaining codes, notes are only required if the summary line has insufficient space to completely identify and explain the purpose of the transfer. It is always best to enter a reason for the transfer in the notes to avoid delays processing.
An FYI recipient may be added by the creator at any time prior to final completion of the DBR. After completion, view the DBR on Screen 520. The DBR may also be viewed in Canopy.
Famis: If the DBR has not been processed by the next desk in the route, you may go to Screen 912, Document Out-Box, and select the DBR. Enter "REC" on the action line to recall the document. You will have to add a reason for the recall. The document will now be recalled to your inbox. You may reopen the DBR on Screen 520.
Canopy: If the document is still in-route, you can select an action to recall the DBR and make your revisions.
On screen 520, place the cursor in the JC field and select PF2 for a pop-up screen of the Justification Codes. Also, see the Justification Codes page for a complete list of codes, definitions, and required information.
You will need to submit a memorandum to FAMIS Training and Security requesting appropriate access.
Email Ketra Williams in New Accounts at ketra-s-williams@tamu.edu with a request to change the support account flag to allow transactions.
DBRs are only valid for the current fiscal year. When the new fiscal year becomes the default open year, all prior year DBRs are automatically cancelled. The DBR will need to be created in the new fiscal year and resubmitted.
On Screen 520, enter "RUSH" as the first word on the Summary line.
Yes. Go to the FRS tab and select DBR/Create DBR. Enter "New" and proceed with entering the requested information.
After a DBR's final approval and posting, the DBR creator will get an FYI notification. Destination accounts do not automatically receive notification. FYI for each destination account must be added by the Creator and will be sent following final approval and posting to the recipients FAMIS In-box.
No, creation of a DBR does not encumber any funds. The budget funds transfer after final approval at the processing office level.
See How to create a DBR in FAMIS and Canopy for step-by-step instructions.