Departmental Correction Request Procedures

The Departmental Correction Request (DCR) Module is a web based module that allows users the ability to initiate corrections for vouchers and journal entry transactions in FAMIS.

Benefits of using the DCR module include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Departmental electronic approvals
  • Automatic posting to FAMIS upon approval
  • Security and account access controls
  • Business Rules set to prevent unallowable changes to accounts
  • FYI notifications to recipients
  • Departmental data entry

Frequently Asked Questions

Departmental Correction Requests should be submitted when expenditures need to be corrected for accounts or object codes.

Support account corrections should still be processed on FAMIS screen 056.

  • Journal entries and vouchers from the current and previous two fiscal years.
  • Vouchers with a status of "OUT" and "VOID" cannot be corrected.

The DCR module is accessed through Canopy.

Everyone that has access to create documents in FAMIS has access to create DCR documents.

  • Revenue codes, payroll codes, and interest code 6230 cannot be changed through the DCR module. To make these types of changes, please see Correction Services.
  • DCRs cannot be processed for future fiscal years.
  • Vendor, Bank, and Reference 4 fields cannot be changed.
  • You are only allowed to have three open DCRs for each voucher.
  • You are only allowed to route one active DCR at a time.

Anyone who has access to create an online document has the ability to create a DCR. Usually the department that is carrying the expense for voucher transactions will initiate the correcting document.

If you have successfully created a DCR document, the system will give you a message that the document has been created and will give you a "J" reference number.

If the DCR document has not been approved by FMO, the department can recall the document, click on the document number, and select to cancel the document. Once the document has been canceled, the process cannot be reversed.

In Canopy, click on FRS > DCR > DCR Search. In the box for Document ID, enter in the "J" number and click search. It should bring up results with the "J" number. Click on the "J" number showing on the left hand side of the results information. This will take you to the Departmental Correction Request Header. Click on the Route Document number which should look like "DCR02J######". This will show you the document history and current location.

This usually occurs when the transaction has already been moved.

Change your search criteria to be "September through current month". Depending upon when the transaction fed to FAMIS, it is possible it was between the end of the following month and the beginning of the next month.

You can do a DCR to change a local voucher to a state account and a state account to a local account. You will receive the message "Manual DCR – Correction will not be reflected in accounting until manual entry has been completed by the processing office." Check the square at the beginning of the statement to acknowledge the procedure. Complete and route as normal.

In most cases, yes, you can do a DCR to change expenses between local and state accounts.

No, not at this time.

Follow the example in this document: FY24 DCR Documents for FY23 Transactions.