Corrections Services

The Corrections department provides many different correction services. These services include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Transfers of Accounts Payable charges and IDT entries between accounts
  • Object code corrections
  • Payment cancellations for state and local funds
  • Cancellation of duplicate payments and payments made in error
  • Correct billing amounts on ARs and IDTs
  • Reduction to Expenses

Transfer of charges between accounts

Please use the Departmental Corrections Request (DCR) module in Canopy.

Requests to transfer non-payroll costs between Texas A&M University accounts should be submitted in a timely manner and adequately justified and documented. Cost transfers involving sponsored project accounts require additional review by the administering office to ensure that the transfer is in accordance with sponsor guidelines and federal cost principles.

Please note that Corrections involving 4XXXXX and 160XXX accounts must have prior approval from the Accountant Responsible shown on FAMIS screen 8. The prior approval must come from the person in the Accountant Responsible field. Corrections involving accounts administered by Sponsored Research Services (SRS) will require SRS approval.

Object code corrections

  • Changing revenue codes: Request revenue code change by submitting a memo to the Corrections department. Please be specific. The 2nd reference number, account number, support account number, current revenue code, and amount will need to be provided. This request will need to be routed through persons with signature authority on both accounts. Please view Taxable Object Codes. If the revenue code is being changed to a taxable code, please make sure the sales tax is moved to account 034998-2110 if appropriate.
  • Changing expense codes: Please use Departmental Corrections Request (DCR) Module in Canopy.

Payment cancellations

Request payment cancellations by submitting a memo to the Corrections department. Please be specific when providing the reason for the cancellation (duplicate payment, payment made to incorrect vendor, etc). Be sure to include the document number. If a payment has already been processed and you have the check, please mail it to FMO General Accounting Corrections Department at MS 6000.

Changing amounts billed


Changing the amount: Request amounts be increased or decreased by submitting a memo to the Corrections Department. Please be specific. The invoice number, account number, support account number, revenue code, and current amount need to be provided. This request will need to be routed through persons with signature authority on the account. For more information on other AR corrections, please visit How do I correct an AR?


Changing the amount: Request amounts be increased or decreased by submitting a memo to the Corrections Department. Please be specific. The IDT reference number, both account numbers, both support account numbers, both revenue and expense codes, and current amount need to be provided. This request will need to be routed through persons with signature authority on both accounts. This request must be initiated by the selling account. For more information on other IDT corrections, please visit How do I correct an IDT?

Please note that ARs are no longer converted to IDTs and IDTs are no longer converted to ARs. If this needs to occur, a correction request must be submitted by the selling department to cancel the AR and the selling department is responsible for creating the IDT and vice versa. Exceptions to this policy are listed below:

  • Physical Plant
  • Stores
  • Telecommunications

Reduction to expenses

A reduction to an expense is a payment received as reimbursement to an expense paid from your account. Please see How do I process a Reduction to an Expense? for details.