How do I process tuition fees/scholarship payments?
Tuition Payments to Student Accounts
Tuition payments should be hand delivered to the Cashier Office located at the GSC on Agronomy Road Suite 2801 so they can be applied directly to the student's account. They should not be deposited through iPayments.
Scholarship Payments
All scholarship payments from donors should be delivered to the TAMU Development Foundation, MS 1234, with supporting documentation. Please see Gifts/Donations for more information. They should not be deposited through iPayments.
Payments Reimbursing TAMU Tuition Accounts
Payments to reimburse TAMU Tuition Accounts that have paid tuition through ONPAR should be delivered to Sales and Receivables, MS 6000. The TAMU Tuition Accounts should create an AR through iPayments to bill TAMU System members for reimbursement. Please see How do I process an Accounts Receivable in iPayments? for information.