How do I check the status of a Deposit?
Please allow 3 business days for the iPayment file to post to FAMIS once it is balanced.
On screen 47, enter account number 001004 (TAMU) or 008025 (TAMUG) or the departmental account number in the account number field and the 7-digit number after the year of the iPayment file in the Ref Nbr field. For example, for payfile 20093030002-6, enter 3030002 as the Ref Nbr. This will pull the deposit entry if it has posted.
For additional details, place the cursor on the line item and select PF6 key.
Using Canopy
In FRS under Account Search, select the Transactions tab. Enter 001004 (TAMU) or 008025 (TAMUG) or the departmental account number in the account number field, select the appropriate month range, enter the 7-digit number after the year of the iPayment file in the Ref2 field. For example, for payfile 20093030002-6, enter 3030002 as the Ref2, and select Submit. This will pull the deposit entry if it has posted.