Frequently Asked Questions

Top 10 Most Frequently Asked Questions

We know that your In-Box can become quite crowded. However, it is not necessary to keep copies of every document that you receive. You may remove all "notification" copies after you have read them. For example, if you are a creator you will receive a final notification copy of a requisition when it has finished the routing and approval process. It will not take long before your in-box becomes full if you do not regularly remove "finished" documents.

It is up to you to manage the documents in your In-Box. Type 'F' (for final), or type 'R' (for rejected) documents may be DELETED from your In-Box. NOTE: Only delete 'R' (rejected) documents when you do not intend to correct and reroute them.

To DELETE these items:

  1. Type an 'X' next to all of the documents you want to delete.
  2. Press PF8 to select the documents and to advance to the Routing Document Information pop-up window.
  3. TAB to the Action: field and type DEL to remove the first document. If you are deleting more than one document, press PF5 to advance to the next document to be deleted and repeat the process.

Documents that have been sent to you FYI (for your information), may be DISCARDED from your In-Box. Typically, these will be type 'N' (for notification) or type 'I' (for information).

To DISCARD documents:

  1. Type an 'X' next to all documents you would like to DISCARD.
  2. Press PF6 to remove the documents.

When you do not log off properly, this message may appear when attempting to log back onto FAMIS. (For example, you were kicked off of the network just before the end of the day and you decided to wait until the next day to log back on to FAMIS.) To remedy the situation, type LOGOFF over the message (you will have to space over some of the message in order to clear it all) and press ENTER. This will return you to the TPX menu. Press the PF key (usually PF2) to access FAMIS.

If you continue to have problems logging onto FAMIS, call FAMIS Security at (979) 458-5555.

The first step is to determine what type of account you need to view:

  1. How many digits are in the account number? If the account number has 11 digits, it is a SUPPORT ACCOUNT. You should use Screen 69 to view your account balance. If the account number has 6 digits, it is either a GENERAL LEDGER (GL) account or a SUBSIDIARY LEDGER (SL) account.
  2. If your 6-digit account begins with a zero (0), it is a GL account and you should use Screen 18.
  3. If the 6-digit account begins with any number OTHER THAN zero, it is an SL account and you should use Screen 19 to obtain the account balances.

There are several reasons your UserID may have expired. However, most (if not all) of these reasons are related to how the security was set up for your account. For example, your UserID could be set to "expire" if you do not complete certain training classes before an appointed time.

The deadline is set by the FAMIS Security Administrator of your FAMIS/Canopy account. If you work for Texas A&M University – College Station or Galveston or Texas A&M System Offices then contact FAMIS Security at (979) 458-5555. If your UserID has expired, they will help get you back on-line.

FAMIS screens are in a constant state of revision. This "fluid" nature of FAMIS is due, in part, to the changing needs of the universities and agencies making up the Texas A&M University System. We try to make sure that most of our changes are processed at times when you, the users, will not be accessing the screen(s). However, this is not always possible. When we are forced to make a change to a program while you are using one of the screens involved, you will see this error screen.

This error means that FAMIS Services HAS made changes while you were using a screen involved with the changed program. Take note of any differences or changes to the screen you were using after receiving the error message. When you get this error, please call (979) 458-6464.

This feature was created for your own security. When the system detects that someone tried unsuccessfully to get into your account (after more than 7 attempts in a 24-hour period), the program assumes that someone is trying to break into your account, and shuts it down to prevent further tampering.

If you get this error when you first try to logon to FAMIS, you should call FAMIS Security at (979) 458-5555 so they can reset your password.

Before your purchase order can be paid you must fill out the "receiving report." If you work in the Purchasing Services Central Receiving Office, then you should use Screen 320 to enter this information. If you work in any other department on campus, you should use Screen 321. In order to begin a receiving report or to add another shipment, you should:

  1. Go to Screen 320/321, type in the PO number in the Doc: field and press ENTER.
  2. TAB to the field that says Shipment: _ of _, space over the number that is in the first blank and press ENTER.
  3. TAB to the Add Shipment: field, type 'Y' and press ENTER.
  4. Press ENTER again to advance to the next required field.

There are many reasons the screen may lock, or that may cause you to be kicked off of the system. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to get your system back up and running, or at least allow you to exit the system. If this happens, ask yourself one of these questions:

  • Do I want to get back on the system today?
  • Do I just want to close things down and try again tomorrow?

To start over and get back on the system:

  1. Go back to the ATM screen. Hopefully, you can close your session and start over. If not, you may have to completely power down your computer. Once you are at the ATM screen, type TPX and press ENTER.
  2. Enter your UserID and password and press ENTER.
  3. The next screen will tell you the last time you successfully logged onto the system. Press ENTER to advance to the NVi/TPX menu.
  4. At the TPX menu, you may notice that one of the PF keys listed (usually FAMIS) is a different color. Before pressing the PF2 key (FAMIS), you must first inactivate all processes that may have caused your session to lock up or caused you to be kicked off the system. To do this, type I ALL at the bottom of the screen at the COMMAND==> prompt and press ENTER.
  5. Finally, press the PF key to access the desired FAMIS module (usually PF2).

If the above steps don't work, or if you have decided that you want to shut down and go home, call the Network Availability Center (NAC) at (979) 845-4219 and ask them to MANUALLY LOG YOU OFF OF FAMIS. To do this, they will need your UserID (not your password). You should also let them know if you were in FAMIS production or FAMIS training.

Closing a document has many purposes. When you close a document, the funds you have requested are encumbered. This is usually the first step in the Routing and Approval process and it prevents anyone from making changes to your document. Follow these steps to make the necessary changes to a closed document:

  • To reopen a LIMITED PURCHASE ORDER, use Screen 243.
  • To reopen an EXEMPT PURCHASE ORDER, use Screen 238.
  • To reopen a REQUISITION, use Screen 258.
  • To reopen a PURCHASE ORDER, use Screen 228.
  • To reopen a MASTER ORDER, use Screen 268.
  • To reopen a BID DOCUMENT, use Screen 418.

After advancing to the proper screen, change the Reopen Document flag to 'Y' and press ENTER.

A partially blank screen with this message means you are having problems logging onto FAMIS. You may also receive this message if you spelled FAMI wrong after typing your UserID and password.

To correct the transaction:

  1. Press the TAB key to position the cursor in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
  2. Type LOGOFF and press ENTER. (NOTE: Part of the word will scroll around to the top left hand corner of your screen.) This should return you to the NVi/TPX menu, where you can start over.

Password Help

These are the only options to resetting your FAMIS password if it is revoked or if you have forgotten it:

If your FAMIS/Canopy password requires resetting, if your user ID has been revoked or if you have forgotten it then contact your official FAMIS security officer.

If you have forgotten or revoked your password, then only the official FAMIS Security Officers are authorized to reset your password. Under no circumstance should anyone else do this for you. This includes, but is not limited to, the Computing and Information Services staff, and any technical staff in your department. If you allow anyone but FAMIS Security to change your TAMU or TVMDL FAMIS password, then you and the person resetting your password will be in violation of Texas A&M University procedures. See the Statement of Responsibility. We take this very seriously.

Report any instances where anyone has reset your FAMIS password for you other than FAMIS Security immediately. We will protect your confidentiality. We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the integrity of our security system.

The first time that you log on to FAMIS, your password will expire. This happens so that you can make up your own secret password. Then, it will expire every 90 days, and you will have to make up a new password. Of course, it has to be different from your previous password. You do not have to contact FAMIS Security when this happens. Simply make up a new password that is 8 characters long with at least one number within those 8 characters.

There are several reasons why your UserID might be revoked. However, most (if not all) of these reasons are because the user typed in an incorrect password too many times. It could also be related to how the security was set up for your account. For example, your UserID could be set to "expire" if you do not complete certain training classes before an appointed time.

In either case, please contact FAMIS Security so that they can help you get back on-line.

To do this, you must know your password. Just follow these steps:

  1. UserID: Type in your FAMIS UserID. Tab to password.
  2. Password: Type in your password as it is now. Tab to New Password. Do not press enter.
  3. New Password: Type in your new password, press enter, and type it in again to verify it.
  • FAMIS passwords must be EXACTLY 8 characters long. You must use letters and numbers.
  • Use passwords that are not easy for someone to guess; for example, never use your name, a pet's name or a relative's name.
  • You should be the only person using your FAMIS UserID, and you should never use anyone else's FAMIS UserID. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • As a rule of thumb, you are the only person who should touch the keyboard when you are logged into FAMIS.
  • If you have trouble accessing FAMIS, then you should always contact FMO-Financial Training and Security at (979) 458-5555 or
  • Never share your FAMIS password with anyone — not even your boss or assistant. Do not write it down and put it where someone could find it. If someone asks you for your password, then he/she is breaching security. You are breaching security if you give it to him/her.
  • Always use a secured connection when using FAMIS. As much as we hate to admit it, there are individuals who "hack" computer systems and access information that they should not be able to see, for example, your FAMIS UserID and password. To inquire about secured connections, contact either your department's computer support person or Computing and Information Services at (979) 845-8300.

Departmental Contact Person

If you need to know who your Departmental Contact Person is, then contact Financial Training and Security at (979) 458-5555.

Contact Person Manual Updated

Each department has a Departmental Contact Person. Individuals should always work with this individual in his/her department for adding, changing, and deleting access to AggieBuy, FAMIS/Canopy, Document Imaging, iPayments or the Payment Card.

This person is responsible for maintaining all Financial System access files for a department and assisting those users in the department with forms and other Financial System needs. Departmental Contacts are assigned by submitting the FD-860 Department Table Maintenance to Financial Security and Training.

The duties of a FAMIS Contact Person are to:

  • Maintain user for the department
  • Complete FD-805, FD-860, FD-940 and other forms
  • Notify Financial Security and Office Managers to add/remove employees from AggieBuy, FAMIS, Imaging, iPayment or Payment Card and the department's purchasing electronic office.
  • Assist new employees with paperwork and scheduling training
  • Brief new employees about the different systems available
  • Pass on information from FAMIS security to departmental users
  • Report known security breaches to Financial Training and Security

Mentor Program

The goal of the Mentor Program is to allow the new FAMIS user to enter, approve, and/or sign purchasing documents in FAMIS without delays due to mandatory training requirements. If you have a mentor and have completed the Introduction to FAMIS course, then FAMIS Security will give you all of the entry access that you need to do your job for two months.

During those two months, you must attend all of your required training courses; otherwise, FAMIS Security will have to revoke your entry access until you attend the required training. Even though they will deny the entry access, they will not deny the inquiry access. If you complete all of your required training by your deadline, then your access will not change.

A FAMIS Mentor is someone who is assigned by your department to assist you with inquiring and entering information into FAMIS until you have had a chance to attend all of your required training. More than one mentor may be assigned if this helps your department.

As a rule of thumb, only the person who is logged on should touch the keyboard. Under no circumstance should any mentor log on and allow the person that he/she is training to utilize his/her access — even if the mentor is sitting there. This is against the FAMIS security procedure and against the law to share access. However, the mentor can enter using his/her own FAMIS ID while the trainee watches and takes notes. If the trainee is going to enter anything, then he/she should use his/her own access to enter while the mentor assists.

Only after you complete the Introduction to FAMIS course, then FAMIS Security will give you all off the access you need to do your job.

Notice: If you will create, approve, or sign documents in FAMIS, then FAMIS Security will give you a deadline in which you must complete all of your required training. If you do not meet your deadline, then they will regretfully have to deny your entry access.

With a mentor, FAMIS Security will give you a deadline (normally two months) to complete all training. If you do not complete all required training by your deadline, then they will regretfully deny your entry access for any courses that you missed until you attend. They will not deny your inquiry access.

Notice: Disbursement Training was mandated by the Chancellor for anyone who helps process payments and purchasing documents. It is not a FAMIS class, but is required for certain types of FAMIS access. If you do not attend Disbursement Training by your deadline, then they will deny all entering, approving, and signing access until you attend Disbursement Training.

If you do not assign a mentor, then FAMIS Security is not allowed to give you any entry access to either create, approve, or sign online purchasing documents until you attend all of the required training.

FAMIS Mentors are assigned using the FD-805 Financial Systems Access Request. Selection of a qualified mentor is crucial to the success of this program.

Mentors should meet the following criteria:

  • Be a FAMIS user of the on-line purchasing document screens for at least 6 months
  • Have knowledge of the screens to create, receive, approve, and sign purchasing documents
  • Have knowledge of creating preliminary assets

The main responsibilities include the following:

  • Assist the trainee with creating, approving, and signing on-line documents until he/she is able to attend training
  • Assist the trainee with entering preliminary fixed asset data

Yes. Our help-line staff monitors calls. If your mentor is unable to assist you with basic entry requirements, then your department head will need to assign a new mentor. If no other mentor is assigned, then FAMIS Security will have to deny your access to the entry screens until you go to the training classes.

If you are assigned as a mentor and do not feel that you are qualified to do this function, then please have your department head assign a different mentor.

Note: Please remember that this program was designed to help your department, and we must all work together to guarantee its success. If you have any questions about these procedures please contact FAMIS Security at (979) 458-5555 or at

FAMIS E-Office Manager

If you need to know who your FAMIS E-Office Manager is, contact Financial Training and Security at (979) 458-5555.

FAMIS contains a purchasing module which allows for online routing and approvals of purchasing documents. Electronic routing and approvals contains three routing desks: creator, approver, and signer. Instead of signing a paper document, FAMIS electronically sends documents to people in the routing path. When the people in the path log on to FAMIS, they will have documents in their "in-box" in which to take action (e.g. sign).

Each department which processes documents in FAMIS must have a routing and approval path set up for their department; otherwise, FAMIS would not know who to send documents to after they are created. Creation of the routing path is done in each department by someone called a FAMIS Office Manager and Office Manager Delegate. The Office Manager and Delegate actually place "people" on each electronic desk. When new users are added to FAMIS, it is very important that the FAMIS Contact Person notify the Office Manager or Delegate to add the person to either the creator, approver or signer desk. Likewise, it is crucial that the FAMIS Contact let the Office Manager or Delegate know when someone is terminating so that they may take the terminating person out of the path.

The ZBAR871 Report lists all of the routing paths and individuals in the paths for an electronic office. Office Managers and Delegates may request the report by e-mailing Financial Training and Security ( with the following information:

  • Your name, department, and mail stop
  • Your TAMUS campus part
  • The first electronic office name to include on your report
  • The last electronic office name to include on your report